Friday, June 15, 2012

3 Sisters – 5

This photo of my 3 girls has been edited.

There’s really no reason why you have to put up with an over-exposed image, red-eye or whatever else. The photo editing tools that I’ve been mentioning, Picasa 3 and PicMonkey, are for free and easy to use. Some things just take time to get the hang of them. The best way to learn is by playing, so play with a copy of your photo (not the original) and see what you discover. I may have over-colored this photo, but I have a weakness for color. I love all colors, maybe that’s one reason why I like diversity in ethnicity, because the more colors the better! I live in the Rainbow Nation of South Africa and my family does not stick to one culture or ethnicity. My husband and I are a mix of cultures, even though we are both white, and we have had to learn to get along.

I went all out with this image. One editing tool that I used was Clone in PicMonkey. That is how I got all the grass to be green. Once I had what I wanted in PicMonkey, I went to Picasa 3 to add my text (I like to keep the font the same and the one I’m using is in Picasa, plus I like its text features). Seeing the photo in Picasa, I began to play some more with the editing tools. When you apply different techniques, it’s called layering. You can add any number of layers to your image. Learn while playing. That’s my motto for today!

This photo of my 3 girls has not been edited.
You can see the difference for yourself.


  1. Visiting from NAptime Review. Happy to see you are in Cape Town. Our church in Alabama has a close relationship with John Thomas of Living Hope Ministries i Cape Town. We hear about the work God is doing in Cape Town quite frequently.

    1. We live about 2 hours drive from C.T. and because gas is so expensive and we have a VW Micro Bus (heavy on fuel), we almost never make the trip. I would like to get out more often and do neat things as a family, but finances are tight. I'm glad to hear about your connection and the good things that God is doing there.


  2. Cute picture! I'm a new follower from a blog hop. Would love if you followed me at

  3. I love the idea of your blog! And I also lived in Germany in the mission field with my family growing up! :) I found you on the mom's mingle and am so happy to be your newest follower! I would love for you to follow me back at :)

    1. It's interesting to find people who have things in common, like living in Germany. I'm now following back.

      God bless!

  4. I am from a family of photographer I firmly believe in being able to experiment with images and angles of a photo. Have fun with it.
    I am following you from the Hop and hope you check out my blog.

    1. I don't have a fancy camera and I don't have any special training. I hope more moms will find success with their images just by experimenting, as you say. Thanks!

      I am following your blog and have commented a couple of times, I think. This is my hobby blog, just one of my five blogs. I think blogging can also be considered a hobby of mine, because one blog just wasn't enough! :D

      Have a great day!


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