Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Naval Museum, Simon's Town

There are lots of neat things to see and do in Simon's Town. It's not far from Cape Town and it's certainly worth a visit. Today's photos were taken at the South African Naval Museum. I did a previous series on this town with more things of interest and those links are included at the bottom of this post. Be sure to check them out!

Click on the images to
see them at their best!


Prosperous Journey:

The fog is torn,
The sky is bright,
And Aeolus releases
The fearful bindings.
The winds whisper,
The sailor begins to move.
Swiftly! Swiftly!
The waves divide,
The distance nears;
Already, I see land!

Glückliche Fahrt:

Die Nebel zerreißen,
Der Himmel ist helle,
Und Äolus löset
Das ängstliche Band.
Es säuseln die Winde,
Es rührt sich der Schiffer.
Geschwinde! Geschwinde!
Es teilt sich die Welle,
Es naht sich die Ferne;
Schon seh ich das Land!

~ Composed by
Ludwig van Beethoven
and based on verses by
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~

Source: Wikipedia


I'm also on Instagram.
Ich bin auch auf Instagram.

Tina Morley
All original photographs by Tina Morley
unless stated otherwise. 1camera1mom is
mostly in English mit ein bisschen Deutsch.

Related Post:
Submarine Naval Museum
The Submarine is part of
a previous series on Simon's Town.
Also see Part 1 and Part 2.

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