Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Lunch at Calabash

When we heard my in-laws were coming through with the idea of going to a cool pizza place with us, one of the places that came to mind was the Calabash Bush Pub on Bain's Kloof Pass. We had been in 2012. It is surrounded by mountains and vineyards and their pizzas are thin-based. We knew then that it was the kind of pizza restaurant that my father-in-law would enjoy. I couldn't believe that the last time we went was four years ago! It was a good choice, because everyone had a great time.

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Samantha and Jessica


Amanda's lunch

Jessica and her Nana,
and one of the pizzas

Greek salad

Amanda on the playground

Friendly dogs at Calabash


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Tina Morley

All original photographs by Tina Morley
unless stated otherwise. 1camera1mom is
mostly in English mit ein bisschen Deutsch.

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