Friday, June 29, 2012

3 Sisters – 9

My 3 Girls at the Beach
Here are my three beautiful girls at the beach near their grandparents' house. My cover photo with Amanda and me on my Facebook page, Amanda’s Books and More was taken at the same time. Go check it out and like my page. While you’re at it, read my latest update. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

This is my last photo in the 3 Sisters series. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and will come back and see what my newest series will be all about. I’ll check back with you too, because as of yet, I don’t know either! Have a great day!


  1. You have really beautiful children. New follower from Exposure 99% weekday hop.

    1. Thank you Safiyyah! Are you sure that you're following me? I can't see your image under GFC. Wishing you all the best with your blog and product reviews!

  2. I am so glad I found your blog through my first Exposure 99% Weekday Blog Hop. What great posts with great info! Following your blog now and checking out your archive. :)

    Please return the follow-love at

    Cooper. xx

    1. Hi Cooper!

      Thanks for the follow! I'm now following back! I'm glad you've enjoyed this blog. I have 4 other blogs with different topics. They are listed at the bottom of this blog.

      Wishing you a great week ahead!


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