Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Boats on the Water - Part 7

The day that I took these photos, there were more boats on the water, specifically sailboats and speedboats. One of the sailboats had a striking blue sail. The billowy clouds added an interesting backdrop.

This is the last post of my "Boats in the Water" series. I hope you have enjoyed it! Next week, I have something completely different and I can't wait to share those pics with you.

Related Posts:
Boats on the Water - Part 1
Boats on the Water - Part 2
Boats on the Water - Part 3
Boats on the Water - Part 4
Boats on the Water - Part 5
Boats on the Water - Part 6


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Tina Morley

All original photographs
by Tina Morley
unless stated otherwise.

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