Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Open Air Museum, South Africa - Part 5

Kleinplasie is an open air museum in Worcester, South Africa. It's also a small farm, which is what the name means in English. Kleinplasie is, in fact, Afrikaans, a simplified version of Dutch. Many of the settlers to South Africa were Dutch and this museum honors the life of the pioneers. Next week I'll share photos of the things that we saw inside the museum. Today's photos are of the animals that we saw outside. We really enjoyed ourselves with the small farm feel.

When I was taking these two pictures of the rooster on the fence, Amanda got my attention to look at the baby donkey drinking from its mother. This rooster was perched on the fence that enclosed the donkeys. I was so busy looking at what was directly in front of me (the foreground) that I wasn't noticing what was taking place in the background. You can see all my fun donkey photos here in Part 4, including the baby drinking.

The only photo that turned out blurry was the one with the male ostrich. I zoomed in quite a bit to get that photo. You can click on the images to view them larger.

Rooster on Fence

Rooster on Fence

Chicken with Chick

Little Chicks

Ostrich and Rooster

Rooster and Chickens in the Tree

Chickens in the Tree

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Open Air Museum, South Africa - Part 4

I hope you are enjoying my latest series on Kleinplasie. If you like animals, you'll probably like today's photos of the donkeys. Amanda wasn't quite sure about getting close to them at first, but then she got braver. She had some chicken feed in her little brown paper bag that we bought inside at the museum. I showed Amanda how to hold her hand flat and let the donkeys nibble the corn out of her hand. They were very gentle creatures.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Open Air Museum, South Africa - Part 3

Kleinplasie Living Open Air
Museum, Worcester,
South Africa

Amanda had a lot of fun walking around and exploring the small farm and the life of the pioneers at Kleinplasie. Most of today's photos are of some of the animals that she saw. There were ducks, chickens and tortoises.

The watermill wasn't running on this visit, but I have seen it in action and it does grind out the flour that they use to bake the bread that they sell in the museum's shop. I took Amanda inside the watermill and showed her how the flour is ground and where the flour is stored. The outdoor oven where the bread is baked like in the pioneer days can be viewed in my previous post, Part 2.




Feeding the Rooster





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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Open Air Museum, South Africa - Part 2

Kleinplasie Living Open Air
Museum, Worcester,
South Africa

Kleinplasie is truly a living open air museum, because they have a fully functioning farm with trained staff who make things the same way as back in the pioneer days in the 1700's and 1800's. On this visit we saw one lady making Milk Tart (Melktert) and another one making candles. We couldn't stay long by the candle making, because the animal fat that was about to be cooked stank badly.

An old train engine

Farm cat

White turkeys

Amanda with her bag of chicken feed

Some chickens and roosters

Amanda trying to feed them

Making Milk Tart the pioneer way

Outdoor wood burning oven

Outdoor cooking over an open fire

Milk Tart cooling on a counter

Cooking fat for candle making

Cooking fat for candle making

Looking through the window at
a replica of an early farm
homestead, ca. 1750

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